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Friday 9 November 2007

Fire fighting....

It seems like a law of the EU obliges everyone in every company to attend a fire fighting course... and 9th Nov was my day! hehe... A 4hr course... 2hrs theory and another 2hrs practical [oqqooww!]

So... the theory was ok [apart from a numb ass cos of sitting down for too long... lol]! Very informative, and honestly... there were some stuff i never knew about...!

Then we had to go to the fire station to get the equipment... which includes a boiler suit [which i thought won't fit], a pair of protective glasses, a helmet and gloves. Lol so we were prepared to start our fire fighting... hehehe such a pity i didn't have the camera with me! Would have loved to share photos.... quite embarrassing but nyways...

So basically we all had to test ourselves how to extinguish a fire, with different kinds of fire extinguishers.... hehe it may seem easy at first but hehe it's not!!

Well on the whole, it was a pleasant experience! Conclusion? If you see a fire... RUN!!! hahaha

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Monday 5 November 2007

Lucky Charm

Take this test!
There's something about you that just brightens up a room. It's only fitting that your personal charm is as fun as your good luck charm, the Good Luck Troll.

These pot-bellied, big-eared, wild-haired, naked little creatures can lighten the mood almost as easily as you do. Whether they are perched on the end of a pencil, gazing down from the bookshelf or riding along on the dashboard, these "so-ugly-they're-cute" trolls bring good fortune to those who truly appreciate their power.

Often mentioned in the same breath as Pet Rocks, Sea Monkeys and the Slinky, Good Luck Trolls aren't just another fad rescued from oblivion. They come from the enchanted forests of Norway, where it was believed glimpsing a real troll would yield years of good luck. These miniature imitations are easy to spot and even easier to laugh at. And that's the point: nothing bad can happen when you're laughing.

Yeah i actually got myself my own lucky charm... my cute troll... ye cute... ! Just like me! :p

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